냉동장치 액화가스 천연가스 등유 전기가스 냉장고 이동 가스 냉장고스토어 가기

냉동장치 액화가스 천연가스 등유 전기가스 냉장고 이동 가스 냉장고

₩ 71,267 ¥ 350.0


  • 커스터마이징


  • 1010mm*770mm*945mm
- +

최소 주문 수량: 1

알리타플은 고객님께서 주문한 물건을 그대로 구매대행 해드립니다.
궁금한 사항이 있으시면 언제든 고객센터로 연락주세요.

1688온라인 사이트에서 검색된 상품입니다. 알리타플에서는 상품검색/현지구매(구매대행)/국제배송 업무만 제공해드립니다. 해당 상품의 품질 및 상태에 대해서는 확인해 드릴 수 없고 해당 물건이 입고가 된 후에 검수과정을 거쳐야 확인이 가능합니다.


.仿真酒窖 ,恒温恒湿,无压缩机,无声音,独立式酒.仿真酒窖 ,恒温恒湿,无压缩机,无声音,独立式酒.仿真酒窖 ,恒温恒湿,无压缩机,无声音,独立式酒.仿真酒窖 ,恒温恒湿,无压缩机,无声音,独立式酒.仿真酒窖 ,恒温恒湿,无压缩机,无声音,独立式酒.仿真酒窖 ,恒温恒湿,无压缩机,无声音,独立式酒.仿真酒窖 ,恒温恒湿,无压缩机,无声音,独立式酒

Gas refrigerator Fridge gas&elec kerosene&elec gas&kerosene&elec Movement

  1. 1.           仿真酒窖,恒温恒湿,无压缩机,无声音,独立式酒柜
    2.电源:220V,额定功率: 180W;净容积:155L;照明:LED;酒柜可调隔板×8层;可调隔板材质: 胡桃木;红酒容量:48瓶;温控类型: 电子温控;耗电量:1.4kw.h/24h;标准温度设定为168-22度可调),标准湿度设定为65%(50%-80%可调)
  2. 2.                 中文名称:燃气冰箱、煤气冰箱

英文名称:gas refrigerator








Zibo Glacier Electrical Appliance Co., Ltd. is located in the silk hometown ZiBo,ShanDong,China. As the trade leader in China Glacier is professional in absorption diffusion refrigeration technology, provide various models of refrigerators for domestic and commercial uses. Following the tenet of "Quality consistency, reliability, and competitive price", Glacier has gained a good reputation among clients worldwide.
Our modern products include 3 ways(Gas/Kerosene/Elec.)refrigerators,deep chest freezer,hotel mini fridge,etc. And provide different types absorption cooling unit and complete refrigerator to RV manufacture in Canada
AmericaAustrilian,etc.. We believe technology can change lifes,also choose Glacier will be choose the best life.
In comparison with compressor electric refrigerator ,our unit uses no freon,no compressor while silent running and without any pollution. Most units can also be designed as 2 ways(gas&elec./kerosene&elec.) powered or 3 ways(gas&kerosene&elec.) powered for convenient use in different places. Additionally,its portability provides convenience for people in journey .
Obviously, our gas/kerosene refrigerator are very popular in those areas where no electricity or short of electricity.Also some place rich in alternative energy such like LP gas,Nature gas,Mathane gas etc.. We are always keep on developping markets and upgrade ourselves .Now Glacier not only got the international certification of CE,CSA etc .But also export our products to more than 50 countries in Africa, Middle East, Latin America,Europe etc.
Welcome to cooperate with us and forward together..


상호: 주식회사 와이지넷코리아 (YOUNG GROUP NET KOREA CO., LTD.)    대표: 주용규    사업자등록번호: 223-81-14426   
통신판매업신고번호: 제 2015-서울강남-02499호 주소: 서울시 강남구 테헤란로4길 6, 1718호   
TEL:(배송확인) 070-5001-0885    (업무상담) 070-4337-1714    업무제휴문의:ygnkorea@gmail.com

웨이하이센터상호: 威海韩运国际贸易有限公司 法定代表人: 朱 勇奎 统一社会信用代码: 91371000MA3U6XGW6N 进出口: 37109409C6
(264200) 山东省 / 威海市 / 环翠区 / 西苑街道 / 贝卡尔特路91-2号 / 威广物流园西门 / 韩运国际贸易 TAPL
TEL : +86) 0631- 598 -1400    FAX : +86) 0631- 598 -1144
TAPL Hanyun International Trade , West Gate of Weihai Logistics Park, Bekart Road-91, Xiyuan Street, Huancui District, Weihai City, Shandong Province,CHINA (ZIPCODE 264200)
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