국경 대형 3/4 철 50(mm) 클램프 빠른 목공 클램프 파이프 클램프 워터 파이프 클램프 슬롯 클램프스토어 가기

국경 대형 3/4 철 50(mm) 클램프 빠른 목공 클램프 파이프 클램프 워터 파이프 클램프 슬롯 클램프

₩ 3,666 ¥ 18.0



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최소 주문 수량: 1

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G3/4 Inch Wood Pipe Clamp 50mm Diameter Wood Gluing Pipe Clamp Woodworking Tools






  • Use with a 3/4" pipe to make a clamp to fix of any length desired.
  • Ergonomic hand-cranked handle, comfortable grip, effectively improve work efficiency.
  • This clamp is perfect for woodworkers working on cabinets and wooden boxes.
  • Just slide the pipe clamp through any length 3/4 in pipe to hold wood in place for gluing and drilling.
  • Made of high-quality iron forging, the high-temperature processing, high hardness and durability.
  • Constructed of tough cast iron that keeps wood steady as you work.




Handle material: iron

Screw rod material: A3 steel

Surface treatment: blue white zinc plating

Clamp diameter: 50 mm/1.97inch

Nominal diameter: 3/4inch

Need match pipe specification:G 3/4 pipe(Not included)

Suitable for equipment:woodworking, metal, plastic clamping

Product application: all kinds of mould clamping, furniture factory, etc


Package Included:

1 x Wood Gluing Pipe Clamp(G 3/4"pipe not included)



  • 产品名称:水管夹 木工夹
  • 产品规格:6分管 3/4
  • 适合设备:木工  金属   塑料夹持
  • 产品用途:各类行业磨具夹持,家具厂等 
  • 专业出口美国,欧洲市场SYJC-S01 (5)

    SYJC-S01 (4)

    SYJC-S01 (3)

    SYJC-S01 (2)

    SYJC-S01 (1)

상호: 주식회사 와이지넷코리아 (YOUNG GROUP NET KOREA CO., LTD.)    대표: 주용규    사업자등록번호: 223-81-14426   
통신판매업신고번호: 제 2015-서울강남-02499호 주소: 서울시 강남구 테헤란로4길 6, 1718호   
TEL:(배송확인) 070-5001-0885    (업무상담) 070-4337-1714    업무제휴문의:ygnkorea@gmail.com

웨이하이센터상호: 威海韩运国际贸易有限公司 法定代表人: 朱 勇奎 统一社会信用代码: 91371000MA3U6XGW6N 进出口: 37109409C6
(264200) 山东省 / 威海市 / 环翠区 / 西苑街道 / 贝卡尔特路91-2号 / 威广物流园西门 / 韩运国际贸易 TAPL
TEL : +86) 0631- 598 -1400    FAX : +86) 0631- 598 -1144
TAPL Hanyun International Trade , West Gate of Weihai Logistics Park, Bekart Road-91, Xiyuan Street, Huancui District, Weihai City, Shandong Province,CHINA (ZIPCODE 264200)
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