32套/箱,毛重/净重:12/10.2kgs,外箱尺寸:41 X 31 X 29cm
Doweling Jig Kit
¤For making tast, accueate dowel holes in furniture and other carpentry projects.
¤Four drill sizes: 6,8,10,12MM(1/4",5/16",3/18",1/2")
¤It's precision manufacturing quality, ensures accurate calibration and easy operation.
¤The rotating limit blockcan be turned over,the edge of the board is stuck, the hole is more stable, the rotating screw, the sliding base can adjust the thickness of the inclined hole board.
¤Laser code calibration accuracy
¤Vacuum treatment is firm and durable
¤Double hole of industrial design
¤Straight hole and oblique holesl
수입신고 1USD |
구매/결제대행 1CNY |
TT송금 1CNY |
6.81 CNY | 203.62 KRW | 0.149 USD |