라즈베리 파이 PiOLED 스크린 module-128x32 0.91 인치 OLED 디스플레이 라즈베리 파이스토어 가기

라즈베리 파이 PiOLED 스크린 module-128x32 0.91 인치 OLED 디스플레이 라즈베리 파이

₩ 4,378 ¥ 21.5


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树莓派PiOLED - 128x32 0.91inch OLED for Raspberry Pi产品介绍

净重3.5g 加上小盒子:7g


PiOLED是一个128x32蓝色的OLED屏幕。 OLED仅使用I2C引脚,因此您可以为按钮,LED,传感器等提供足够的GPIO连接。它还非常小巧,因此适用于任何情况。


这个显示器的使用非常简单,我们有一个用于SSD1306芯片组的Python库。我们的示例代码允许您使用Python成像库绘制图像,文本等任何您喜欢的内容。我们的测试结果显示30 FPS的更新率,因此您可以制作动画或简单视频。

出货前我们已经组装和测试完成,所以除了插入并安装我们的Python代码之外你不需要做任何事情!它适用于任何Raspberry Pi计算机,包括原始的Pi 1,B +,Pi 2,Pi 3和Pi Zero。





尺寸:35.0mm x 20.0mm x 10.5mm


用法: http://github.com/IOT-MCU/IIC-Pi-OLED/wiki/PiOLED-%E7%94%A8%E6%B3%95

This mini OLED is design for Raspberry Pi computers, to give you a little display.

The PiOLED comes with a monochrome 128x32 OLED, with blue pixels. The OLED uses only the I2C pins so you have plenty of GPIO connections available for buttons, LEDs, sensors, etc. It's also nice and compact so it will fit into any case.

These displays are small, only about 1" diagonal, but very readable due to the high contrast of an OLED display. This screen is made of 128x32 individual blue OLED pixels and because the display makes its own light, no backlight is required. This reduces the power required to run the OLED and is why the display has such high contrast; we really like this miniature display for its crispness!

Using the display is very easy, we have a Python library for the SSD1306 chipset. Our example code allows you to draw images, text, whatever you like, using the Python imaging library. Our tests showed 30 FPS update rates so you can do animations or simple video.

Comes completely pre-assembled and tested so you don't need to do anything but plug it in and install our Python code! Works with any Raspberry Pi computer, including the original Pi 1, B+, Pi 2, Pi 3 and Pi Zero.


Voltage: 3.3v

Interface: IIC

Color: Blue

Dimensions: 35.0mm x 20.0mm x 10.5mm


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