카세트-MP3 금속 카세트 테이프 플레이어스토어 가기

카세트-MP3 금속 카세트 테이프 플레이어

₩ 15,883 ¥ 78.0


  • 231 플러그 가능 USB 드라이브


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최소 주문 수량: 1

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s-l1600 (4)

s-l1600 (7)











Cassette to MP3 Convertor

No computer required
Convert your old tape to MP3 without a computer,Just need to plug a TF card(Micro SD card)
Convert all of the music on tape to your TF card in MP3 format automatically.

Redisccover those old songs with USB Cassette Player by turning your tapes into MP3’s to use on your computer, iPod or in the car!
USB Cassette Player is a portable, handheld USB tape player that works with all kinds of tapes.It has an easy-to-use USB connection for converting the music on your tapes into MP3 files.
You can listen to MP3’s on your computer, load them onto your portable music player, or record them onto a CD and listen in your car.
Its portable size allows it to fit in virtually any bag and enables you to play and transfer music anywhere.
It runs on battery or USB power when connecred to your computer for flexible operation.This powerful yet easy-to-use program guides you through transfering your Music and eveb can integrate with your iTunes Music Library.
In addition to transfering your tapes, the Casstte Player has an audio output that enables you to listen on your stereo, headphones, or other speaker systems for hours of enjoyment!

- Converts your precious cassette collection to MP3
- Plug and play operation-no drivers required
- Comes with tape converter software to guied you through transfer
- Flexible battery or USB-powered operation
- Compact and portable design
- Can be used as personal cassette player

- Interface: USB2.0 Standard
- Recording Format:  MP3
- Power Supply: 2 * AA Battery, or USB port Power selection
- Consumed Power: ≤ 400mw
- Dimension: 112 * 80 * 31 mm
- Weight: 148g

Package Contents:
- USB Cassette Player
- Earphone
- USB Cable
- User Guide

상호: 주식회사 와이지넷코리아 (YOUNG GROUP NET KOREA CO., LTD.)    대표: 주용규    사업자등록번호: 223-81-14426   
통신판매업신고번호: 제 2015-서울강남-02499호 주소: 서울시 강남구 테헤란로4길 6, 1718호   
TEL:(배송확인) 070-5001-0885    (업무상담) 070-4337-1714    업무제휴문의:ygnkorea@gmail.com

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