Apple 13 휴대 전화 케이스 iPhone12/11 모든 것을 포함하는 xs 소프트 케이스 7/8 플러스 트렌디 한 남성에 적합한 망원경 우주 비행사스토어 가기

Apple 13 휴대 전화 케이스 iPhone12/11 모든 것을 포함하는 xs 소프트 케이스 7/8 플러스 트렌디 한 남성에 적합한 망원경 우주 비행사

₩ 751 ¥ 3.8


  • SJ[3D 렌즈 사이드 포토] 블랙 우주인
  • SJ[3D 렌즈 사이드 포토] 화이트 우주비행사
  • SJ[3D 렌즈 사이드 포토] 블루 우주비행사


  • iPhone15
  • iPhone15Pro
  • iPhone15Plus
  • iPhone15Pro Max
  • iPhone 14
  • iPhone 14 Pro
  • iPhone 14 Plus
  • iPhone 14 Pro Max
  • iPhone13
  • iPhone13pro
  • iPhone13promax
  • iPhone13mini
  • iPhone12(6.1)
  • iPhone12pro(6.1)
  • iPhone12pro max(6.7)
  • iPhone12mini(5.4)
  • iPhone11
  • iPhone11pro
  • iPhone11pro max
  • iPhoneX/XS
  • iPhoneXR
  • iPhoneXS MAX
  • iPhone7/8
  • iPhone7p/8plus
  • iPhone6/6s
  • iPhone6p/6splus
- +

최소 주문 수량: 1

알리타플은 고객님께서 주문한 물건을 그대로 구매대행 해드립니다.
궁금한 사항이 있으시면 언제든 고객센터로 연락주세요.

1688온라인 사이트에서 검색된 상품입니다. 알리타플에서는 상품검색/현지구매(구매대행)/국제배송 업무만 제공해드립니다. 해당 상품의 품질 및 상태에 대해서는 확인해 드릴 수 없고 해당 물건이 입고가 된 후에 검수과정을 거쳐야 확인이 가능합니다.












【Buyers must read】: where the company's shipment of goods, in the sale or use of the process have quality problems or have less hair, please contact us, we will for the first time to you, and give you a satisfactory answer.



1. Goods to arrive at the place of receipt, no matter outside the box is damaged, need to check out of the box, must face to face inspection check, after the confirmation sign, customer receipt after the default on the shipment of the product quantity and category has no objection, so after receipt does not accept a few goods complaints; if products because of transport problems produced damaged, please let the relevant transportation companies, according to the official seal of the proof, and this proved available to us, we assist clients claim; if the goods are damaged or lost caused by the logistics. We will not be liable for responsibility.



2.long-term cooperation of wholesale customers and distribution customers we take long to take the long protection system. The customer goods with a small amount, we according to the relevant laws and regulations execution (within 7 days of non-human quality problems returned goods, 30 day warranty, warranty functional products within 180 days, protection class no warranty). Customers in product quality problems to return. Please use ordinary courier back to our company, to advance freight customers. If the customer not with the customer communication, direct return, we will not accept; my company does not receive pay.



3. Buyers are not satisfied or not to sell, buy on the grounds that he was wrong, actually no quality problem, we will not return;


4.保修产品需要在保修时间内退回,产品外观完整可以保修。未经授权擅自修理、改装; 未按正常方法使用、贮存的产品不在保修范围内。

4.warranty products need to return within the warranty period, the product appearance integrity can be guaranteed. To repair or modify without authorization; the products that are not used and stored in normal methods are not in the scope of warranty.

상호: 주식회사 와이지넷코리아 (YOUNG GROUP NET KOREA CO., LTD.)    대표: 주용규    사업자등록번호: 223-81-14426   
통신판매업신고번호: 제 2015-서울강남-02499호 주소: 서울시 강남구 테헤란로4길 6, 1718호   
TEL:(배송확인) 070-5001-0885    (업무상담) 070-4337-1714    업무제휴문의

웨이하이센터상호: 威海韩运国际贸易有限公司 法定代表人: 朱 勇奎 统一社会信用代码: 91371000MA3U6XGW6N 进出口: 37109409C6
(264200) 山东省 / 威海市 / 环翠区 / 西苑街道 / 贝卡尔特路91-2号 / 威广物流园西门 / 韩运国际贸易 TAPL
TEL : +86) 0631- 598 -1400    FAX : +86) 0631- 598 -1144
TAPL Hanyun International Trade , West Gate of Weihai Logistics Park, Bekart Road-91, Xiyuan Street, Huancui District, Weihai City, Shandong Province,CHINA (ZIPCODE 264200)
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