VGA HD 라인을 TYPE-C type-c to vga 어댑터 노트북 외부 모니터스토어 가기

VGA HD 라인을 TYPE-C type-c to vga 어댑터 노트북 외부 모니터

₩ 2,037 ¥ 10.0


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최소 주문 수량: 1

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1, for mobile phones, MAC BOOK notebooks, tablets
2, detailed parameters, 24pin connector, on the 12pin, under 12pin. Positive and negative versatility
3, C-type interface socket size and micro usb specifications as small, about 8.3mm * 2.5mm, can withstand 10,000 times repeated plug
4, the maximum transmission speed up to 5GP / S twice as fast than 3.0. Standard wiring with C-TYPE connector can pass 3- current
5.USB3.0 hub is an external (requires a free USB3.0 computer interface). Through the USB3.0 data cable for data transmission and power supply, quickly add four speed USB3.0 interface to your computer. Support USB3.0 disk drives, high-resolution cameras, video surveillance cameras, digital video cameras and multi-channel audio and other high-bandwidth peripherals. USB3.0 transfer speed reached 5.0Gb / s (actual speed 80MB / s), down support USB2.0 and USB1.1. It can be used with the widest range of USB devices and allows multiple USB3.0 and legacy USB devices to operate simultaneously. The built-in current protection device protects the connected equipment and the Hub itself for an additional period of time, providing greater durability and reliability.








s-l1600 (5)

s-l1600 (3)

USB 3.1 TYPE-C to VGA HD line
1. Input Interface: The latest USB3.1 Type-C interface
2.USB3.1 Type -C interface is about 8.25 * 2.4mm
3.USB3.1 Type-C interface contains 24pin terminals, support for positive and negative plug
4. Data transfer rate can reach USB 3.1 10Gbps
5. Slim design, mini size
6. Output interface: external high-definition VGA devices such as: monitor projector TV with HD equipment
(Widely used in notebook Macbook Air 12-inch USB3.1 output on the external HDMI devices such as high definition: monitor projector TV with HD external devices)

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