GY21 SHT21 HTU21D 는 SI7021 온도 및 습도 센서 모듈 I2C 인터페이스를 대체합니다.스토어 가기

GY21 SHT21 HTU21D 는 SI7021 온도 및 습도 센서 모듈 I2C 인터페이스를 대체합니다.

₩ 1,120 ¥ 5.5


  • GY-SHT21 모듈
  • GY-HTU21D 모듈


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최소 주문 수량: 1

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GY21-SI7021-5V 温湿度传感器

模块型号:GY21-SHT21 GY-HTU21D

使用芯片:SHT21 HTU21D
供电电源:3-5v  (带电平转换功能)
Precision Relative Humidity Sensor
± 3百 RH (max), 0–80百 RH
High Accuracy Temperature Sensor
±0.4 °C (max), –10 to 85 °C
 0 to 100百 RH operating range
 Up to –40 to +125 °C operating range
 Wide operating voltage (1.9 to 3.6 V)
 Low Power Consumption 150 μA active current
60 nA standby current
 I2C Interface
Integrated on-chip heater
3x3 mm DFN Package
 Excellent long term stability
Optional factory-installed cover
Protection during reflow
Excludes liquids and particulates


Respiratory therapy
White goods
Indoor weather stations
Micro-environments/data centers
Automotive climate control and defogging
Asset and goods tracking
Mobile phones and tablets
The Si7021 I2C Humidity and Temperature Sensor is a monolithic CMOS IC
integrating humidity and temperature sensor elements, an analog-to-digital
converter, signal processing, calibration data, and an I2C Interface. The patented
use of industry-standard, low-K polymeric dielectrics for sensing humidity enables
the construction of low-power, monolithic CMOS Sensor ICs with low drift and
hysteresis, and excellent long term stability.
The humidity and temperature sensors are factory-calibrated and the calibration
data is stored in the on-chip non-volatile memory. This ensures that the sensors
are fully interchangeable, with no recalibration or software changes required.
The Si7021 is available in a 3x3 mm DFN package and is reflow solderable. It can
be used as a hardware- and software-compatible drop-in upgrade for existing RH/
temperature sensors in 3x3 mm DFN-6 packages, featuring precision sensing
over a wider range and lower power consumption. The optional factory-installed
cover offers a low profile, convenient means of protecting the sensor during
assembly (e.g., reflow soldering) and throughout the life of the 
상호: 주식회사 와이지넷코리아 (YOUNG GROUP NET KOREA CO., LTD.)    대표: 주용규    사업자등록번호: 223-81-14426   
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