마지막 기계 자동 마지막 메커니즘 신발 장비로 컴퓨터 자동 마지막 기계 커버 마지막 기계 상단 찐 젖은 연화스토어 가기

마지막 기계 자동 마지막 메커니즘 신발 장비로 컴퓨터 자동 마지막 기계 커버 마지막 기계 상단 찐 젖은 연화

₩ 3,792,249 ¥ 19000.0



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최소 주문 수량: 1

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1688온라인 사이트에서 검색된 상품입니다. 알리타플에서는 상품검색/현지구매(구매대행)/국제배송 업무만 제공해드립니다. 해당 상품의 품질 및 상태에 대해서는 확인해 드릴 수 없고 해당 물건이 입고가 된 후에 검수과정을 거쳐야 확인이 가능합니다.







Computerized Lasting Machine


特点 Feature  






2. 可视水位,配备无水报警器,入楦和蒸汽使用光电感操作,使用安全。










1. using electrothermal steam generator,


energy saving engine to produce steam in 5 minutes can be used, the humidity is large, Steam wet shoe head effect is good, softening the upper and the function of electricity saving  multiuse(steam automatic recovery, recycling) than ordinary steam machine energy saving 5 degrees of electricity.


2. Visible water level, equipped with anhydrous alarm, last and steam use light inductor operation,  


safe use.Automatic thermostatic control relief valve, automatic pumping device, water can be continuously used, circular work, automatic flushing of stainless steel tank and electric heat pipe functions.


3. Automatic thermostatic control safety valve, automatic water pumping device, can be used continuously after adding water at one time, can work in cycles, automatic flushing stainless steel inner tank and electric heating tube function.


4. Save half the water per day(20 L) as compared to a normal steam machine.
5. Switching machines save 15 minutes more working hours than ordinary steam heating machines,


save energy, protect environment and save time and efficiency.





技术参数 Parameters


电压Voltage: 380V
功率Power: 3500W
蒸汽压力Steam pressure :3BAR
每次加水The amount of water each time: 0.1L
冷水箱容量Cold water tank capcity: 15L
内胆容量Internal capacity: 5L
重量N.W. :100KGS
机器尺寸Machine size :1020*600*1830mm


操作说明 Operating instructions





1. Connect 380 V power supply

2. Adjust the last assembly according to the number of finished shoes, and set the photoelectric delay switch on the touch screen

3. The rubber mold is used for the upper push and pull last assembly, which has strong upward and downward movement radian and does not damage the shoe machine







상호: 주식회사 와이지넷코리아 (YOUNG GROUP NET KOREA CO., LTD.)    대표: 주용규    사업자등록번호: 223-81-14426   
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