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사무용 문화/악기 액세서리/부품 - 바이올린 부품 - 바이올린 사운드 포스트

₩ 1,833 ¥ 9.0


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这款架子鼓通鼓桶鼓军鼓地鼓底鼓 鼓耳 鼓腿固定螺丝金属罩盖支架配件是架子鼓的专用配件,用于固定和支撑各种类型的鼓。它采用高品质的金属材料制成,具有极高的耐用性和稳定性,确保您的鼓不会轻易滑动或移动。


这款架子鼓通鼓桶鼓军鼓地鼓底鼓 鼓耳 鼓腿固定螺丝金属罩盖支架配件是架子鼓爱好者和专业演奏者的必备工具之一,可以帮助您更好地调整和演奏您的架子鼓,让您的演奏更加完美和流畅。


  1. 高品质的金属材料制成,具有极高的耐用性和稳定性;
  2. 包括固定螺丝、金属罩盖和支架等部件,实用性强;
  3. 可以轻松地调整鼓的高度和稳定性,以便更好地演奏;
  4. 适用于各种类型的架子鼓,是架子鼓爱好者和专业演奏者的必备工具之一。

Product Name: Drum Set Floor Tom, Drum Shell, Snare Drum, Bass Drum, Drum Hoop, Drum Legs, Screws, Metal Cover, and Bracket Accessories

Product Overview:

This drum set floor tom, drum shell, snare drum, bass drum, drum hoop, drum legs, screws, metal cover, and bracket accessories are specialized accessories for drum sets. They are used to fasten and support various types of drums. Made of high-quality metal materials, they have high durability and stability to ensure that your drums do not slide or move easily.

This product includes components such as screws, metal covers, and brackets, making it easy to fasten drum hoops and legs in the appropriate positions. Its practical design allows you to easily adjust the height and stability of the drums for better playing.

This drum set floor tom, drum shell, snare drum, bass drum, drum hoop, drum legs, screws, metal cover, and bracket accessories are essential tools for drum set爱好者和专业players. They can help you better adjust and play your drum set, making your performance more perfect and smooth.

Product Features:

  1. Made of high-quality metal materials with high durability and stability;
  2. Includes components such as screws, metal covers, and brackets for practical use;
  3. Easy to adjust the height and stability of the drums for better playing;
  4. Applicable to various types of drum sets, essential tools for drum set爱好者和专业players.
상호: 주식회사 와이지넷코리아 (YOUNG GROUP NET KOREA CO., LTD.)    대표: 주용규    사업자등록번호: 223-81-14426   
통신판매업신고번호: 제 2015-서울강남-02499호 주소: 서울시 강남구 테헤란로4길 6, 1718호   
TEL:(배송확인) 070-5001-0885    (업무상담) 070-4337-1714    업무제휴문의:ygnkorea@gmail.com

웨이하이센터상호: 威海韩运国际贸易有限公司 法定代表人: 朱 勇奎 统一社会信用代码: 91371000MA3U6XGW6N 进出口: 37109409C6
(264200) 山东省 / 威海市 / 环翠区 / 西苑街道 / 贝卡尔特路91-2号 / 威广物流园西门 / 韩运国际贸易 TAPL
TEL : +86) 0631- 598 -1400    FAX : +86) 0631- 598 -1144
TAPL Hanyun International Trade , West Gate of Weihai Logistics Park, Bekart Road-91, Xiyuan Street, Huancui District, Weihai City, Shandong Province,CHINA (ZIPCODE 264200)
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