7.4V 2 문자열 18650 리튬 배터리 보호 보드 이중 문자열 보호 칩 8.4V 과전류 펀치 4A스토어 가기

7.4V 2 문자열 18650 리튬 배터리 보호 보드 이중 문자열 보호 칩 8.4V 과전류 펀치 4A

₩ 326 ¥ 1.6


  • 2 현 4A 리튬 배터리 보호 보드


- +

최소 주문 수량: 1

알리타플은 고객님께서 주문한 물건을 그대로 구매대행 해드립니다.
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1688온라인 사이트에서 검색된 상품입니다. 알리타플에서는 상품검색/현지구매(구매대행)/국제배송 업무만 제공해드립니다. 해당 상품의 품질 및 상태에 대해서는 확인해 드릴 수 없고 해당 물건이 입고가 된 후에 검수과정을 거쳐야 확인이 가능합니다.


7.4V 2串 18650锂电池保护板 双串保护芯片 8.4V 













(1) 内置高精度电压检测电路;


(2) 连接充电器的端子采用高耐压器件;


(3) 内置三段过电流检测电路(过电流1、过电流2、负载短路);


(4) 通过MOS管可以控制电池的充放电;


(5) 宽工作温度范围:-40°C ~ +85°C;


(6) 低消耗电流。




· B+    接电池正极;


 · MB   接电池1与电池2中的接点;


 · B-  接电池负极;


 · P+    接充/放电端正极(充电端/放电端共用); 


 · P-     接充/放电端负极(充电端/放电端共用)。








1. 连请注意输入出电压、负载电流的使用条件,使保护板内的功耗不超过规格书的容许功耗;


2. 连接电池时有可能发生不能放电的情况,在这种情况下,连接充电就可以恢复到正常工作状态;


3. 过充电电池和过放电电池混杂在一起的情况下变为充状态与过放电状态,都不可能进行充电和放电;


4. 本保护板虽内置防静电保护电路,但请不要对保护板施加超过保护板电路性能的过大静电。  




















product description:


This protection board uses a lithium photopolymer rechargeable battery protection IC




(1) Built-in high-precision voltage detection circuit;


(2) The terminal connected to the charger is a high withstand voltage device;


(3) Built-in three-stage overcurrent detection circuit (overcurrent 1, overcurrent 2, load short circuit);


(4) The battery can be charged and discharged by the MOS tube;


(5) Wide operating temperature range: -40 ° C ~ +85 ° C;


(6) Low current consumption.


· B+ is connected to the battery positive pole;


 · MB connects the contacts in battery 1 and battery 2;


 · B- is connected to the negative pole of the battery;


 · P+ is connected to the positive terminal of the charge/discharge terminal (the charge terminal/discharge terminal is shared);


 · P- Connect the charge/discharge terminal negative (common to the charge/discharge terminal).




1. Please pay attention to the input and output voltage and load current conditions, so that the power consumption in the protection board does not exceed the allowable power consumption of the specification;


2. When the battery is connected, there is a possibility that it will not discharge. In this case, the connection charge can be restored to the normal working state;


3. When the overcharged battery and the overdischarged battery are mixed together, they become charged and discharged, and it is impossible to charge and discharge;


4. Although the protection board has an anti-static protection circuit built in, do not apply excessive static electricity to the protection board beyond the performance of the protection board circuit.




Scope of application:


   2 strings of nickel-cobalt-manganese lithium, ternary lithium, lithium cobaltate, lithium manganese oxide rechargeable battery pack;
   2-string lithium polymer rechargeable battery pack


Technical Parameters:


Please fully evaluate your ability to purchase kits and parts. You can't buy them when you buy them. DIY is easy to pay tuition. It is common to accidentally break components.





상호: 주식회사 와이지넷코리아 (YOUNG GROUP NET KOREA CO., LTD.)    대표: 주용규    사업자등록번호: 223-81-14426   
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