단결정 태양 전지 패널 120W18V 태양 전지 패널 태양 광 모듈 태양 광 시스템 유연한스토어 가기

단결정 태양 전지 패널 120W18V 태양 전지 패널 태양 광 모듈 태양 광 시스템 유연한

₩ 71,267 ¥ 350.0


  • 싱글 크리스탈 110W-솔라 패널


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최소 주문 수량: 1

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1688온라인 사이트에서 검색된 상품입니다. 알리타플에서는 상품검색/현지구매(구매대행)/국제배송 업무만 제공해드립니다. 해당 상품의 품질 및 상태에 대해서는 확인해 드릴 수 없고 해당 물건이 입고가 된 후에 검수과정을 거쳐야 확인이 가능합니다.


can be placed on a curved roof, or a leveled platform when you want to harvest the sun’s energy while you are out on the trail, or if you are traveling and camping off the grid!


This best flexible solar panel for rv is usually lightweight, meaning it would not be a hassle to bring out on the road. This solar energy panel is easier to bring out for usage, as much as it is quite easy to store.


Although it looks flimsy because of its flexibility, do not be fooled, the bendable solar panel is made to be durable! Being that it is used outside, it is manufactured with enough durability that is not easy to be damaged by rain, dust, sand, and other elements.


The flexible solar panel that is flexible is a worthy substitute to your traditional hard glass solar panel. It is way lighter, does not take up much space in usage and storage, and with less moving parts it is one less thing to worry about on the road!


More and more owners opt for this because it is the green option. It harvests sunlight, works in silence, and does not add up to the pollutants that other traditional options utilize.


Maximum power(Pmax) 150W

Output tolerance ± 3%

Maximum system voltage 700V DC

Open circuit voltage(Voc) 21.6V

Maximum power voltage(Vmp) 18V

Cell efficiency 19.5%

Operating temperature(NOCT) 45±2℃

Temperature range -40℃~+80℃

Number of cells 36pcs

Weight 2200g

Size 1175*540*3 mm

backboard White

Standard Test Conditions : lrradiance 1000w/m2,Temperature 25℃,AM=1.5


상호: 주식회사 와이지넷코리아 (YOUNG GROUP NET KOREA CO., LTD.)    대표: 주용규    사업자등록번호: 223-81-14426   
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