EMC2101 I2C PC 팬 컨트롤러 온도 센서 온도 모니터링 PC 팬 컨트롤러스토어 가기

EMC2101 I2C PC 팬 컨트롤러 온도 센서 온도 모니터링 PC 팬 컨트롤러

₩ 5,050 ¥ 24.8


  • EMC2102 온도 감지 PC 팬 컨트롤러


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최소 주문 수량: 1

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The EMC2101 is a fan controller with temperature monitoring, and it will take care of all of that for you. Programmable PWM output and tachometer input, with both internal and external temperature sensing, with a 1°C accuracy, it's a perfect friend for any 3 or 4-pin PC fan you may find.

Four pin PC fans have a power and ground pin (those are red and black) and then two more pins. One of those extra pins, the PWM pin, allows you to set the speed of the fan. The last TACH pin is for a tachometer output that allows the EMC2101 to monitor the speed of the fan to make sure it's working as expected. Instead of using a PWM output and counter input on your microcontroller, this chip will take care of that all for you, all over every-day I2C.

In addition to allowing you to control a fan, the EMC2101 includes an internal temperature sensor, as well as connections for an external temperature sensing diode. If you use an external temperature sensor, you can even configure a lookup table (LUT) that allows you to set different fan speeds depending on the temperature, and the EMC2101 will automatically adjust the speed depending on the temperature.

This neat little chip can easily be used to help provide cooling or ventilation to your next project. You might even be able to use it to help quiet down an existing project or hack a noisy piece of electronics that has a loud fan. By allowing you to run a fan at slower speeds when cooling needs are moderate, the EMC2101 can help ease the vibration noise caused by fans running at full speed.

Delivered to you on our custom Stemma QT form factor PCB, EMC2101 breakout is ready to help you integrate a fan into your project by making it easy to use with a range of devices. A voltage regulator and 5V tolerant pins allow you to use it with 3.3V or 5V microcontrollers or single-board computers. The included SparkFun qwiic compatible STEMMA QT connectors for the I2C bus allow you to make easy solderless connections to your controlling device, and the standard headers make breadboard prototyping easy.





EMC2101 breakout通过我们定制的Stemma QT外形尺寸PCB交付给您,可以帮助您将风扇集成到您的项目中,使其易于与各种设备一起使用。电压调节器和5V容限引脚允许您将其与3.3V或5V微控制器或单板计算机一起使用。包括SparkFun qwiic兼容STEMMA QT连接器的I2C总线允许您轻松地无焊连接到您的控制设备,标准头使breadboard原型设计容易。





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