HTC-6 새로운 블루 발광 온도계 습도계 디지털 디스플레이 대형 스크린 홈 온도 측정기 시계스토어 가기

HTC-6 새로운 블루 발광 온도계 습도계 디지털 디스플레이 대형 스크린 홈 온도 측정기 시계

₩ 3,462 ¥ 17.0


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HTC-6夜光温湿度计 时钟说明书



     2. 12/24小时制的时钟

     3.每日闹钟 。整点报时功能

     4.℃/℉温度显示 。温度与湿度高低记忆


     6.温度测量范围:0℃~50℃ (-32℉~122℉)  

     7.温度分辨率显示:0.1℃ (0.2℉) 

     8.温度测量精度:±0.5℃ (0℃~50℃),其他±1℃






     3 .记忆的查看与清除

     在机身背面按[MAX/MIN]记忆键可查看记忆中高(MAX)/低(MIN)温湿度                   值,在显示高(MAX)/低(MIN)温湿度值时,长按[MAX/MIN]记忆键清除记忆中的高(MAX)/低(MIN)温湿度值。



      12∕24小时制→年→月→日,按[ADJ] 调整键调整。




     模式键开始依次设定闹钟的分钟→小时,按[ADJ] 调整键调整。



     在显示时钟的时候,短按[MODE]模式键切换到闹钟的显示,按 [ADJ]调整






HTC-6 luminous temperatureand humidity meterclock manual

The basicfeaturesof:

  1. 1.   Temperature, humidity, date(year、mouth、day), clock, with screen display
  2. 2.   Clock for 12/24 hours
  3. 3.   Daily alarm。The whole point timekeeping function
  4. 4.   ℃/℉temperature display。The temperature and humidity of the maximum and minimum memory
  5. 5.   Luminous function
  6. 6.   Temperature measurement range:0℃~50℃(-32℉~122℉)
  7. 7.   Temperature display resolution:0.1℃(0.2℉)
  8. 8.   The temperature measurement precision:±0.5℃(0℃~50℃), the other is ±1℃
  9. 9.   Humidity measurement range: 10%RH~99%RH

Operating instructions:

  1. 1.   The night opens:Shake the body light luminous, automatically extinguished after 5 seconds.
  2. 2.   Switching temperature unit:

Press the [℃/℉] buttonto switch temperature display unit.

3.Checkand clean the memory:

  Press the [MEMORY] memory button can check the maximum (MAX)/minimum (MIN) temperature and humidity value in the memory. When showed Maximum (MAX)/ minimum (MIN) temperature and humidity value in display, long press the [MEMORY] memory button to clean the maximum (MAX)/minimum (MIN) temperature and humidity value in the memory.

4. The date and clocksetting:

When display the clock,long press the [MODE] button start to set the clockfollowed by minutes→hours→12∕24hours→year→mouth→day, press the [ADJ] key to adjust, then press the [MODE] button to confirm the clock and date.

5.The alarm time setting:

  When display the clock,short press [MODE]buttonto switch to the alarm display,and then long press the [MODE] button start to set thealarm timefollowed byminutes→hours, press the [ADJ]buttonto adjust. Then press the [MODE] button again to confirm the alarm time setting mode.

6.The alarm clock and the whole point timekeeping opening and closing

  When display the clock,short press [MODE]buttonto switch to the alarm display, and then press the [ADJ]buttonto open and close alarm clock or the whole point timekeeping, followed by the alarm clock opened->the whole point timekeeping opened->both the alarm clock and the whole point timekeeping opened-> both the alarm clock and the whole point timekeeping closed.

HTC-6夜光温湿度计 时钟说明书



     2. 12/24小时制的时钟

     3.每日闹钟 。整点报时功能

     4.℃/℉温度显示 。温度与湿度高低记忆


     6.温度测量范围:0℃~50℃ (-32℉~122℉)  

     7.温度分辨率显示:0.1℃ (0.2℉) 

     8.温度测量精度:±0.5℃ (0℃~50℃),其他±1℃






     3 .记忆的查看与清除

     在机身背面按[MAX/MIN]记忆键可查看记忆中高(MAX)/低(MIN)温湿度                   值,在显示高(MAX)/低(MIN)温湿度值时,长按[MAX/MIN]记忆键清除记忆中的高(MAX)/低(MIN)温湿度值。



      12∕24小时制→年→月→日,按[ADJ] 调整键调整。




     模式键开始依次设定闹钟的分钟→小时,按[ADJ] 调整键调整。



     在显示时钟的时候,短按[MODE]模式键切换到闹钟的显示,按 [ADJ]调整






HTC-6 luminous temperatureand humidity meterclock manual

The basicfeaturesof:

  1. 1.   Temperature, humidity, date(year、mouth、day), clock, with screen display
  2. 2.   Clock for 12/24 hours
  3. 3.   Daily alarm。The whole point timekeeping function
  4. 4.   ℃/℉temperature display。The temperature and humidity of the maximum and minimum memory
  5. 5.   Luminous function
  6. 6.   Temperature measurement range:0℃~50℃(-32℉~122℉)
  7. 7.   Temperature display resolution:0.1℃(0.2℉)
  8. 8.   The temperature measurement precision:±0.5℃(0℃~50℃), the other is ±1℃
  9. 9.   Humidity measurement range: 10%RH~99%RH

Operating instructions:

  1. 1.   The night opens:Shake the body light luminous, automatically extinguished after 5 seconds.
  2. 2.   Switching temperature unit:

Press the [℃/℉] buttonto switch temperature display unit.

3.Checkand clean the memory:

  Press the [MEMORY] memory button can check the maximum (MAX)/minimum (MIN) temperature and humidity value in the memory. When showed Maximum (MAX)/ minimum (MIN) temperature and humidity value in display, long press the [MEMORY] memory button to clean the maximum (MAX)/minimum (MIN) temperature and humidity value in the memory.

4. The date and clocksetting:

When display the clock,long press the [MODE] button start to set the clockfollowed by minutes→hours→12∕24hours→year→mouth→day, press the [ADJ] key to adjust, then press the [MODE] button to confirm the clock and date.

5.The alarm time setting:

  When display the clock,short press [MODE]buttonto switch to the alarm display,and then long press the [MODE] button start to set thealarm timefollowed byminutes→hours, press the [ADJ]buttonto adjust. Then press the [MODE] button again to confirm the alarm time setting mode.

6.The alarm clock and the whole point timekeeping opening and closing

  When display the clock,short press [MODE]buttonto switch to the alarm display, and then press the [ADJ]buttonto open and close alarm clock or the whole point timekeeping, followed by the alarm clock opened->the whole point timekeeping opened->both the alarm clock and the whole point timekeeping opened-> both the alarm clock and the whole point timekeeping closed.

상호: 주식회사 와이지넷코리아 (YOUNG GROUP NET KOREA CO., LTD.)    대표: 주용규    사업자등록번호: 223-81-14426   
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